A prodigious venture for the newest or most experienced SXS driver, the SXS Sports, Monster Energy King of the Elements Series has fundamentals to satisfy, challenge and push any driver. The exhilarating race series we have brought to the world of off-road racing in a pure UTV series is crossing multiple disciplines. Drivers are being confronted to be their greatest at racing ice, short course and cross country, while throwing elements in the mix such as: asphalt, endurance, rally and an obstacle course, which has never been done before. Add the guaranteed purse payout of $150,000, King of the Elements award for the driver resilient enough to master all four races and the SXS Mini class, for ages 5-12 and you have the greatest new series in racing!
Contact Information:
W: https://www.sxssportsracing.com
P: +1 1111111111
E: info@sxssportsracing.com